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Saturday 14 June 2008

St Moritz to Cassano d'Adda

The last couple of legs were easy in comparison to the rest of the ride. Little did we know that we had already done the climbing up to St Moritz and the Maloja Pass was in fact not a climb but a 30 km descent through sweeping curves and switchbacks - just climb the roads you see on the Tour de France in the Alps. What an amazing ride - still stunning scenery, good coffee and great riding. The weather was very kind to us and we were very lucky - spoke with other riders who had been camped in the Alps for a week so far and had been rained on for the whole week!
Down to Lake Como and found a hotel at Bellano with our own balcony over the lake - a beautiful place.
From Berlin to Milan
Last stage of the ride through to the relatives near Bergamo near Milan was very busy traffic and narrow roads but the drivers were very courteous to bike riders - saw lots of other riders here and all being avoided by drivers and just accepted as part of the everyday traffic on the road. Went through some interesting tunnels along the lake towards Lecco but this too was OK in Italy.
From Berlin to Milan
Into Bergamo we got stormed on in the later afternoon before a very kind lady, working in an office next to where we were sheltering from the storm, gave us some coffee and directions to Cassano d'Adda where our relatives lived. Got helped again by a lady on bike when the bike path we were following according to Google Maps turned out to be blocked by a cross European Railway - she was able to show us and in fact rode with us to find the actual street we were looking for.
We had made it - 4 countries, 1200km, lots of tailwinds, no flat tyres and everywhere we went were helped by some very friendly people - touring is really a team effort, even if you don't yet know you are on the team!


Anonymous said...

Yah made it well done!
luv sonia

Anonymous said...

Hey this was nearly two weeks ago now! More exciting adventures???
ali x