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Tuesday 10 June 2008

Fussen (Deutschland) to Scuol (Switzerland) via Ostereich

Weather turned out to be great for our attack into the Alps. Over the border to Reutte in Austria and promptly got lost again heading up the wrong valley - but hey, I was used to it by now.
The climb up to FernPass (1205 metres) was not bad a climb but the traffic was unbelievably heavy both ways - a bit like Great Western Highway on soccer Saturday morning. No bike paths up to the pass so we had no option but to deal with the traffic but it turned out OK. It started to rain toward to top as well - just a passing mountain shower though. Found a mountain bike track down out of the pass - a bit like Bees Nest Hill times 6 in terms of steepness and slipperiness and length but at least we didn`t have to deal with the traffic in the rain going down. I crashed and burned on some tree roots but it was all good fun, just being my usual self.
Stayed at Imst overnight in a fantastic hotel with balcony views and sensurround views and sounds of mountains. Italian for dinner and hearing a lot more different languages around town now.
From Berlin to Milan
Monday dawned fine and sunny and we found the Inntal Randweg bike path of the Via Claudia Augusta - the old Roman road leading from Donauworth in Germany through to Verona in Italy. This is a very popular bike path and we saw lots of other bikers today which was brilliant. At time there were remnants of old roman road with carved wheel tracks still evident. Signage for the path was excellent and we didn`t really touch roads at all for most of the way to the Swiss border at Pfunds where the Via Claudia goes over the Reschen Pass into Italy and we turned south west and went into Switzerland towards St Moritz.
From Berlin to Milan
Crossing the border was interesting with customs checks still evident and of course the Swiss still have their own currency (Swiss franc) and slightly different electricity plugs - seems like sheer bloody-mindedness to me but what do I know?
With the Via Claudia leaving us to go to Italy, we searched in vain for Swiss bike paths, though the roads were pretty deserted and very high quality. The riding to Scuol was uppish but generally following the River Inn which begins somewhere near St Moritz and of course, flows through Innsbruck in Austria. The next real test will be the Maloja Pass after St Moritz at 1850 metres. Staying tonight at the Youth Hostel and before you question that - we are not the oldest here thanks very much!

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