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Friday 6 June 2008

Pegnitz to Augsberg

We're sitting in the Youth Hostel in Augsberg and it has rained for much of today. Yesterday was a big day from Pegnitz to Weisenberg (south of Nürnberg)- about 120km for the day and so pretty boring highway riding. It started out OK with the B2 continuing to look after us as far as Nürnberg - beautiful rolling hills and little traffic to deal with ~ that all changed when we hit the big smoke of Nürnberg - lots of traffic and a beautiful walled zentrum - with moat, though now functioning as a car park. It was only 60km to here so we decided to keep going as the weather was holding OK.
The next 60km to Weisenberg involved highway riding and very busy and even a few km of autobahn for which we were told to get off by the very friendly roadworkers. Made it into Weisenberg by about 5pm and stayed inside the of walled town in a 13th century hotel. It started to rain about an hour later and hasn't really stopped since unfortunately. Beautiful dinner of meat and various veges at the hotel with breakfast following Deutsch fashion of meats and cheeses (Jarlsberg no less!) and vrious breads - all good wholesome stuff.
From Berlin to Milan
Today was still raining so we packed up and went to the local hauptbahnoff (train station) and bought tickets for our bikes and us to Augsberg, which was essentially our planned destination for the day anyway. The train was great with a separate area to store bikes (and plenty as well) and place for us to sit nearby to monitor.
Checked into the Youth Hostel now and we're not the oldest ones staying - yay! Augsberg is another walled city with moat and tower gates - have I mentioned that I coud become accustomed to living in a castle with a moat? Might be a bit grand do you think?
Saving grace today that I didn't get lost once - we were only travelling by shanks pony though!
From Berlin to Milan
Hopefully weather get's better tomorrow (Friday) and we ride onto Fussen at the start of the Alps. Bikes are well and so are we and really quite fit and ready to climb.
Thanks for the comments everyone - hope you are enjoying the rantings.

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