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Wednesday 11 June 2008

Scuol to St Moritz

Weather was clear and bright today as we headed toward St Moritz. It was up! but with views unfolding with each turn of a corner, it was fairly straight forward riding. It was only about 60km and we got into St Moritz before a storm hit at about 2pm. We were safely in a cafe sipping Kaffee creme at that point!
From Berlin to Milan
Staying in Youth Hostels the last two nights has been good value with 3 course dinners and breakfasts to salve some aching hungers. Tomorrow moving onto Lake Como somewhere we hope and out of the Alps - the forecast is for the weather to close in by the end of tomorrow so our timing might be OK. Bikes are all good now - mine had a stiff rear cable for the gears but was able to fix that last night. Our legs are holding up OK too - we climb the Maloja Pass at 1850 metres tomorrow and then we hit some serious downhill to Lake Como I hope.
Have I mentioned how stunning the mountains are? The mountains are stunning! We are at just below the tree line and snow line at about 1400m in St Moritz so the pass climb is ``only`` about 400m, but we`ll see tomorrow. Having a pre-dinner drink at the Youth Hostel (Pinot Grigio no less) and reading a SF6.20 English newspaper - first reading news we`ve had since we left home.

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