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Saturday 7 June 2008

Augsburg to Fussen

Well the rain eased and we made our way out of Augsburg without getting lost - yay! Generally found the Romantische Strasse which is the Via Claudia Augusta or old Roman road all the way to Schongau - about 90 km for the day. Some excellent riding in the, at times, middle of nowhere - cool and overcast with fairly flat and pleasant riding.
From Berlin to Milan
Into Schongau to stay at a hotel in the Stadtmitte - had liver dumpling soup which is the local grub - an acquired taste I believe!
Woke on Saturday to rain but we thought we would push on toward Fussen which is the start of the real climbing. Rained all the 50km of the ride but the paths we rode varied from cowbell pastures, the River Lech every so often with a milky sort of colour, green fields, tall forests and the first glimpses of the Alps in front of us. It was very cold riding though and my shorts were just not cutting it really! We barely hit a road at all for the 50 km and it was wonderful - on a summer´s day it would be fantastic riding.
In an internet cafe in Fussen now after visiting the local kirches and schlosses and of course feeding ourselves at pastry shops. Have checked our options for what we do if the weather doesn`t improve - should be able to bus or train through but we´hope for finer weather first.

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