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Wednesday 29 December 2010

Travelling 2

The boys checked through security and we won't see them now until we get home - very emotional saying goodbye to your children in a foreign country.
QF108 was due out to LA and Sydney at 6.30, then 7.30, then 8.30...finally Eam texted to say they had boarded at 10.35pm and only then did they get told that the connection in LA to Sydney was going to wait for them! This was after much stress for the past 5 hours with not knowing. Not sure how our young Russian girl hot on - we dropped her at Terminal 1 - hope she got home to Moscow ok.
Anyway - they're on the way across the Pacific now for home. Meanwhile...we were still at the airport till 5.30 and had to get back into Lower Manhattan to our next hotel. We weren't keen to trust to public transport after the 4.5 hour trip to get out to JFK and we were very lucky to walk outside and find a shuttle bus driver at a loose end (because there were no arriving planes) who was happy to take us downtown for $38 (I gave him $50).
Into hotel by 7.30...what a day!


Anonymous said...

well... we are back at mums... great stay in briso. had break at paddington cafe yum yum. not much traffic except around theme parks. cooler today and no rain today although dalby and surrounds are still flooded badly.
what an ordeal you guys have had... kids were lucky their plane even took off by the news reports over here.
U Joe coming this afternoon... mum is making a high tea!!

looks like it will be fine for NYE.

Anonymous said...

let me tell you Patrick....very emotional to say goodbye to your children even in a non foreign country.....even if they go down the road.....1000 or so kms....
Was so pleased to hear the boys were able to get I received the message from Sonia I was watching NY shovelling snow and wonderfing where you were.