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Friday 31 December 2010

Down in SOHO

Down in Lower Manhattan wedged between ChinaTown and Little Italy, I'm standing outside Starbucks using their wifi to write this amidst thousands of people walking past so this will necessarily be brief as it is also pretty cold. We've been asked 3 times for directions today so we must be starting to look like locals - at least we don't need to walk with a map in the hand anymore. Anyone need a genuine Rolex for $100? A Chinese gentleman has already asked me three times since I've been here - we must all look the same to him.
Walked over Brooklyn Bridge today and ferried over to the Liberty Statue yesterday so we are doing the tourist circuit as well as feeding well - great Mexican dinner last night in SOHO. My fingers are starting to freeze so I'll update again from a warmer spot. Tomorrow we go back up to Midtown for New Years and stay there till we head home on Monday.

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