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Saturday 1 January 2011

NY in NY

New years in NY is a big deal especially in Times Square. NYPD begin to lock down the streets around the square from about 2pm at which time the place is already full and no one is allowed in or out unless you have a hotel key inside the shutdown zone. The square (really a triangle) itself is not all that big bound by 47th Street to the north to 42nd Street to the south and the sides of the triangle are Broadway and 7th Avenue. The ball drops on a building in the base of the triangle in 42nd street. The million-odd people you see on the TV are already there by about 3pm! Most shops for streets/blocks around are all closed and the city runs a "weekend timetable" for the subway and busses overnight for your convenience! Public transport and public services generally here are the same as Sydney in lots of ways - after 3 days of reduced and cancelled services after the blizzard, the city put up subway fares by 25c and cancelled the one-day pass on Thursday - it was only mentioned on the paper on the day it happened and there was very little outcry at all.
Anyway - at the MoMA at the moment on 53rd St (you know - the Museum of Modern Art - everything here gets abbreviated) with some great Picasso and Van Gogh works. The modern photography exhibit is also brilliant. BTW did you see that Kodak is ceasing to produce Kodakchrome film anymore? A sign of the digital times though I think black and white film will continue.

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