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Tuesday 7 December 2010

Diamante - our last Calabrian coastal town

Trained on from Tropea to another little place on the coast using the little bus-trains - they are really cheap and go everywhere. Diamante was another town with a centro-storico where we found a little hotel right on the waterfront called Hotel Stella Maris for Euro60 per night for 2 nights. Got in about 4pm and the place was packed along the promenade with people out walking and taking in the port views etc.
The centro is covered with murales from over a period of years depicitng all sorts of things including people, boats, local scenes, poems and so on - all hidden away in narrow alleys with washing hanging overhead across the alleys.
Sunday we took a walk up through a national park following a river up into the hills along a thoroughly Italian tiled walkway that went for kilometres. Ended up on top with a view over the town and with snow-capped peaks further on up ahead of us. We wandered back down some windy tracks and roads to town - all up about 3 hours on a clear winter day.
Dinner of spaghetti and pesche risotto rounded off a great day.
Off to Pompei tomorrow for a sticky at the ruins.

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