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Friday 30 May 2008


Took a day to check bikes and legs were working and so rode out to Potsdam and back – about 60´odd km along main roads, horse trails, cobbled streets and every other type of road in between. Berliners are so cycle friendly – separate lights for cyclists, paths, pedestrians do not walk on the bike paths either. There are literally thousands of bike riders at all times of the day – old, young, well dressed, and not, skirts flying – what a society that embraces cycling as a way of life!
Weather is holding – got over 30 degrees again today but not so windy. Forests were very peaceful to ride through though we are neverendingly reminded of the old
East and West – the horse trail we were riding crossed the E51 autobahn at one point. At this point was one of the main trunk routes between East and West in the bad old days. The checkpoint towers are still there as silent guards watching still!
Bikes are well, we are well – prepared the bikes for tomorrow´s leg to Lutherstadt (about 100km) – we say goodbye to a great stay in Berlin. Its a pity that it is a big non-stop building site at the moment – very loud, dry and dusty. But the food, the sites and the people were brilliant! The cycling is so flat and have I mentioned how good the pastries are?

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