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Wednesday 28 May 2008

Made it to the starting line

Well here we are in Berlin. We keep pinching ourselves that weŕe actually here. Bikes are still packed and we have been hitting the streets on foot. It is amazing to see how many bikeriders there are. I would be just one of the crowd here. All all manner of bikes, all ages, few wearing helmets. Berlin seems to ooze youth, opportunity and hope for the future. The whole city is a building site with demolition, rebuilding and renovation happening everywhere, and notonly in the old east section. But thankfully they are not tearingdown all of their history so there was still plenty to see to impress us. The Brandenburg Gate, the last remaining gate when Berlin was a walled city, Humboldt University, countless museumsand churches and the rathaus which is the city council chambers. And while tacky souvenir stalls and tourist buses swarmed over the site of Checkpoint Charlie and the last bit of the Wall, it was still a poignant, sobering spot, and to think people were still being arrested less than 20 years ago for attempting to escape to the west. The weather is fine and mild whichaugurs well for when we take off on Friday.
Pat here – just unpacking the bikes and theyseem to be OK. The boxes held up pretty well. We had to pay 40 euro each bike as excess baggage from Frankfurt to Berlin but we were just happy to get them back in one piece.
Visited Little John´s bike shop near AlexanderPlatz for a cable lock, spare tubes and a multi-tool – not many places take credit cards here and most like to have cash thanks very much!

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