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Sunday 28 November 2010


Well the place has changed a lot over the past 9 years since we were here in 2001. The EU funding has been put to good use restoring the beautiful Paris-style 6 storey buildings which seen no maintenance under the Soviet occupation. There is quite a bit of foreign investment especially from the Swedes & the Finns. The people still have 30% poverty in the Latgale {in the east} and further austerity measures are about to bite with an increased 23% VAT rate and reduced ability to apply for social assistance even though wage earners pay 30% social contribution insurance on top of flat 25% income tax. Unemployment is about 14% with average monthly wage of about LVL500 or about AUD$1000. I think though that they are better off than Portugal at the moment with 5% of the population living on food handouts. Very cold and snowy today and -12.

Minus 15 degrees does this...

How about some Gluhweine mixed with Riga Black Balzam? Not great really!

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