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Saturday 26 June 2010

Rear Brake Pad Replacement DL-650

Well it was supposed to be pretty straightforward - just follow the manual (free download) on page 7-69 - until some retaining spring fell out of the caliper housing and the manual didn't mention or show it in order to return it to its proper spot.
My somewhat blurred photo (sorry about that) shows where it is supposed to sit - this took me about an hour of testing different spots to find this but in the end it only goes in one way and works (I think) to stop the pads lifting under braking. I initially reassembled without it and went away and thought about it and then came back and had another go at finding where it goes.
BTW - the manual recommends only undoing the rear caliper bolt and leaning the housing forward to remove and refit the pads but this is how I knocked the retaining spring out in the first place in trying to refit the new pads. I thinks its easier (now that I've stuffed it up and fixed it!) to remove both caliper bolts and lift the whole assembly off, clean everything up, locate the new pads and then drop the caliper over the top of them. I also had to press the piston of the brake back out to accommodate the new pads - easiest way was to fit the outside pad, drop caliper on top and then press on the piston housing (the big circular bit labeled Nissin) until there is enough room to fit both pads).
I fitted EBCFA174HH pads for $55 from Western Motorcycles in Penrith.

1 comment:

Pat said...

I forgot to mention that of course nothing is ever simple - the new pads changed the position of the footbrake pedal so I had to adjust that back down again and that of course changed the brake light switch sensor which meant the brake light was on all the time - pretty bloody fiddly to adjust this back off again as well.